They encourage all residential dwellings to preserve the dark sky by instituting an external lighting “lights-out” program after 10pm. They value their dark nighttime sky and want to maintain it. The Harmony Grove community has always abided by the “Dark Nighttime Sky Policy”. Those that haven’t been lost to development stand as a piece of crumbling history. Take note of the street signs which are named after the early pioneers. There are many historic buildings and archeological sites remaining in the Harmony Grove area.

Early settlers, Foster, Harding and Molette, established the spiritualist society out here in 1896. Harmony Grove got its name because of how peaceful this area was. If you’re really brave, maybe stay at the Questhaven Retreat! Other haunted locations in this immediate vicinity include the Harmony Grove Spiritualist Society, Elfin Forest and Questhaven Rd. This whole area is rumored to be haunted by a white witch and many other apparitions.
On this one road alone you will find a psychic village complete with little colorful homes & a seance room, ruins dating back to the early 1900’s, a two-story house on a hill with no doors or windows (only a garage and vents), a labyrinth and many other photo-worthy opportunities!

I will give credit to the homeowners of the newly developed areas though as they are going ALL out on Halloween decorations. Note: There has sadly been a ton of development of this land over the years so some areas no longer look like my photos. **Check out our article on Hidden Gems in Escondido!**